
Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE, 30 JANUARY: The Ministry of Health of Sierra Leone and international charity Mercy Ships have reaffirmed their partnership, announcing that the Global Mercy™ hospital ship will remain in Freetown through June 2026.

Young Man’s Life Transformed After Mercy Ships Removes Life-Threatening Tumor

A young man from Sierra Leone who was forced to leave school due to relentless mockery over a life-threatening facial tumor has had it successfully removed by international charity, Mercy Ships. Alex, now 23, first noticed a swelling on his jaw in 2016 as a teenager. Over the years, the tumor grew significantly, making it difficult for him to eat, speak, and swallow. It left him increasingly isolated and raised fears that it could eventually impair his breathing.

A New Gift: Hope for Emmanuel

Manteneh was a nearly defeated woman when she brought her 3-year-old son, Emmanuel, to Mercy Ships in January. She told doctors on the Global Mercy™ that several local hospitals in Freetown simply did not know what they could do to treat Emmanuel’s rare disorder, lymphangioma, so they turned her away. For Manteneh, Mercy Ships was their last chance. She explained how this all began. Shortly after her son was born, she noticed a white-colored swelling around his ear. Unsure of what to do, she compressed the area with warm water, but things began to worsen.

Six Years to a New Life: Fudia’s Transformation Story

By the age of 10 years old, Fudia had grown accustomed to the daily struggles of walking with severe bowed legs, including the curious looks from people and the ridicule of children in her community. According to Joseph, Fudia’s uncle and guardian, she was born with the orthopedic condition. “We noticed it the very first day she was born; her legs were not normal,” he shared. In their hometown in Sierra Leone, it is believed that continuous massaging of the legs with warm water will straighten out the legs, but despite this care, Fudia’s legs only became more bowed as she grew.

Fudia, 10, is standing tall after free life changing surgery from Mercy Ships – gaining 14 Centimeters in height

A ten-year-old girl is standing 14 centimeters taller after receiving free, life-transforming surgery from international charity Mercy Ships to straighten her severely bowed legs.

Empowering Sierra Leone’s Healthcare with Nurse Anaesthesia Diploma Programme

In a groundbreaking partnership to address the critical shortage of anesthesia providers in the country Mercy Ships, Sierra Leone's Ministry of Health, and the University of Sierra Leone have launched a Nurse Anesthesia Diploma Programme. This initiative aims to improve surgical care capacity by training specialized nurse anesthetists, ensuring lasting healthcare improvements even after Mercy Ships the port of Freetown. 

On World Sight Day: New Vision and New Life for Mamadou 

The moment a seven-year-old boy sees clearly for the first time has been captured in a video by the charity that gave him surgery.  Surgeons from international charity Mercy Ships believe Mamadou, who lives in Sierra Leone, would have lost his sight entirely if he had not had his bilateral cataracts removed. 

How Matron Betsy Deen is Transforming Healthcare at Freetown’s Largest Hospital

Running a hospital isn’t an easy task — it takes leaders carefully orchestrating a sea of moving parts to keep operations running smoothly. Matron Betsy Deen is that person at Connaught Hospital’s surgical department in Freetown, Sierra Leone.  During Mercy Ships’ 2023-24 field service in Freetown, several training opportunities were offered through Education, Training, and Advocacy (ETA) programs, which helped strengthen the ties between Mercy Ships and Sierra Leone’s healthcare network. 

Girl, 14, has life-saving treatment to remove facial tumor and dreams of becoming a doctor

A 14-year-old girl from Sierra Leone is free to follow her dreams of becoming a doctor after having a facial tumor removed by international health charity Mercy Ships.  Without the timely surgery, the tumor would likely have continued to grow to the point of causing airway obstructions, and ultimately, death by suffocation. 

Regaining Confidence and Reclaiming a Dream: Lucy’s Story

Born into a family of six children in Sierra Leone, 14-year-old Lucy loves science and wants to be a medical doctor. According to her mother, Isatu, “Lucy loves school. Even when she is not in school, she loves to study. After school, she eats and then goes and studies and does homework.”  At home, she is a joy to her family.